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Bright City Telescope

eQuinox 2

Equinox2 Render

High Resolution Telescope

eVscope 2

Evscope Render

The eQuniox 2 makes stargazing easy wherever you are. Whether you're on the Las Vegas strip or in a secluded field, this smart telescope has light pollution reduction technology so you can see clear, detailed, and colored images of space.

$2,499 at Unistellar


  • Connects to App
  • Automatically Calibrates
  • 6.2 Mpx Resolution
  • Partnered with NASA
  • Partnered with SETI Institute
  • 11-Hour Battery
  • Weighs 9kg
  • Light Pollution Reduction
  • Works in Bright Areas
  • $$$


  • Less zoom

The eVscope 2 has the highest resolution of any digital telescope around. You can observe the entire universe and all of its colors and hues with very little setup. This telescope has a Nikon eyepiece that gives it its impressive 7.7 Mxp resolution.

$4,899 at Unistellar


  • Connects to App
  • Automatically Calibrates
  • 7.7 Mpx Resolution
  • Partnered with NASA
  • Partnered with SETI Institute
  • 9-Hour Battery
  • Weighs 9kg
  • Nikon Eyepiece
  • 2022 CES Innovation Award
  • $$$$


  • Shorter battery life

Both of these smart telescopes know what's up when it comes to stargazing. Unistellar did a great job in creating a top-of-the-line telescope that shows you super clear and detailed images of millions of different objects in space... and they did it twice!

I'm going to chat similarities and differences between the eQuinox 2 and the eVscope 2 telescopes, so you can decide which one is the right choice for you.

Unistellar Lifestyle
Source: Unistellar

You don't just see space... you experience it.

Set up takes 2 minutes.

Unistellar designed these two smart telescopes to make stargazing as easy as opening an app... the Unistellar app.

They automatically calibrate and find all of the cool celestial objects around you... Since there's over 300 million different things in their database, narrowing it down to where you are is a great feature.

The eQuinox 2 shows clear, detailed images... even in brightly lit cities

eQuinox 2 has Light Pollution Reduction technology that automatically filters out extra light. So you can zoom in and see the colors and hues of planets and stars... like Saturn's rings and the famous red spot on Jupiter... in clear, 6.2 mpx resolution... even if you're on the bright Las Vegas strip.

The eVscope 2 is a winner of the 2022 CES Innovation Awards.

eVscope 2 is more expensive due to its Nikon eyepiece. You can see space in 7.7 mpx resolution. This is the best resolution of any digital telescope around. Observe asteroids, galaxies, and more. Plus, the Nikon lens gives you a wider view... so you can see the entire moon in color and detail, rather than just parts of it like with the eQuinox 2.

Unistellar Lifestyle
Source: Unistellar

Include your friends with live streaming

If your friends don't care for space, they will now. Both of these smart telescopes can save images or live stream clear footage with up to 10 users logged into the app. They'll see what you see, even if they're not with you. Stream for up to 11 hours with the eQuinox 2 and 9 hours with the eVscope 2.

Unistellar Lifestle
Source: Canva

You actually become a type of NASA space researcher

Ever wanted to work for NASA? Well, now you can... Sort of.

Unistellar partners with NASA and the SETI Institute. So you can actually report your celestial findings to both organizations.

You can also take part in space discoveries like many of the 10,000 Unistellar users have in the past with NASA's Lucy and Dart missions. Cool, right?

Unistellar Lifestle
Source: Unistellar

30-day trial & 2-year warranty

And free shipping!

Both telescopes are made in France with high-quality materials. They last. And they're backed by a 2-year warranty.

If you're unsure, try one out for 30 days, risk-free.

Unistellar Hero
Source: Unistellar

The specs

Category eQuinox 2 eVscope 2
Resolution 6.2 Mpx 7.2 Mpx
Field of View 34 x 47 Arcmin 34 x 47 Arcmin
Limiting Magnitude 18.2 18.2
Focal 450 Mm 450 Mm
Battery 11 Hours 9 Hours
Weight 9 Kg 9 Kg
Storage 64 Gb 64 Gb

So which telescope is for you?

If you live in the city but are serious about space exploration... the eQuinox 2 is probably for you.

If research is a top priority, and adventuring out to remote areas is a common occurrence. You're probably going to want the eVscope 2's Nikon eyepiece with 7.7 mpx resolution. Right now for galaxy season, you can save $600! with their limited offer ending May 7th.

Both of these user-friendly telescopes offer a 30-day risk-free trial period, and a generous 2-year warranty... and they're delivered with free shipping! Check them both out on the Unistellar website.

City Smart Telescope

Equinox2 Render

Unistellar eQuinox 2

Best for bright areas

If you live in a brightly lit city, this smart telescope makes space exploration possible. It has Light Pollution Reduction technology so you can see planets, stars, and galaxies in color and detail.

Remote Smart Telescope

Evscope Render

Unistellar eVscope 2

Best for intense research

With a Nikon eyepiece and the highest resolution of any digital telescope around, this CES Innovation Award winning telescope makes space research fun and easy.


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