Nanoleaf Elements lights positioned above a desk.
Source: Nanoleaf

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If there's one thing that's nice about working from home, it's being able to spruce up my home office.

I'm not stuck with a boring grey cubicle. No neighbors to negotiate with. It's my space, and I get to make it how I want it. So why not go all-out? I can decorate it in a way that makes me eager to get down to business!

I added Nanoleaf smart light tiles to my desk area and it actually made me excited to get to work!

Yeah, I know, "excited to work", what a dork. But hear me out. These lights have made some subtle but important changes to the place where I spend most of my time.

Home Office Lighting

Nanoleaf Elements beside their box and on a white background.

Nanoleaf Elements

5 / 5

Productive Style

Nanoleaf Elements provide simple, classy lighting with a modern twist. These are the perfect addition to any home office.

Lights That Look So Good You'll Actually Want To "Go To Work"

Nanoleaf Elements lights installed next to a laptop.

It's hard getting up in the morning and being excited to go to work.

Y'know what helps?

Having a dope-looking office.


You can arrange Nanoleaf in whatever style you like thanks to their modular connectors and different shape styles, but I really like their Elements lineup.

The wood grain finish matches my desk, and they look great even when the lights are turned off. When they're on, you still get a nice texture on top of warm or cool whites. They even wrap around corners.

Nanoleaf Elements installed above a desktop PC.
Source: TechByMidas

Having lights that break the norm, look good, and do their job just hits all the things I want in my working atmosphere.

Home Office Lighting

Nanoleaf Elements beside their box and on a white background.

Nanoleaf Elements

5 / 5

Productive Style

Nanoleaf Elements provide simple, classy lighting with a modern twist. These are the perfect addition to any home office.

They'll Likely Make You More Productive (And Maybe Even Happier?!!)

The novelty of smart lights is pretty big, but is it superficial? The right lighting can actually have an affect on your focus.

Nanoleaf Elements installed behind a monitor.
Source: Loc Vu

Real actual science points to increased cognitive function when we're exposed to the right lights. It's why so many phones have blue light filters now. Going to bed is harder when your eyes have been working overtime staring at a screen. It's also why you've got lamp therapy to deal with seasonal affective disorder. It seems weird to stare into a light bulb for 15 minutes a day because your brain misses the sun, but hey, it works!

If I'm in a funk, I just flip on a cool, bright white on my Nanoleaf tiles

Your mileage may vary, but personally, I've found that if I'm in a funk, I just flip on a cool, bright white on my Nanoleaf tiles next to my desk. It perks me up consistently, without the spike and crash that I'd normally get from going for a snack.


They're The Best Zoom Call Icebreaker (And Your Co-Workers Will Be Jelly)

Positioning my Nanoleaf tiles behind me when I'm on my work calls helps with one thing in particular: small talk.

You know that period before everyone gets on the call, and you have to chat with someone you don't know? And you need to save the productive conversations until later when everyone's on? "How's the weather?" just doesn't really cut it for me anymore.

Nanoleaf Elements Lifestyle

You know what people love talking about, though? Smart lights. They're neat, they're different, not everybody has heard about them, and if they have, they probably don't know anyone with lights like Nanoleaf.


I've been able to point to these lights and show some of the cool stuff they can do, like sync up to music. By the time everyone shows up to the call, I've already warmed up the conversation with my new bud. Thanks to some light conversation (get it... "light"?), we're able to get to work already feeling comfortable with each other.

They're Easy To Use And Reliable

There's a lot of fun to be had with smart lights, but if they're glitching out when you just need some extra light while you're working, that's doing more harm than good.

I can say with confidence that Nanoleaf Elements work reliably, unlike some smart lights in my home.

For starters, there are the manual controls so you can turn the lights on or off without an app. If I'm in my mid-work flow, I shouldn't turn on my phone. The last thing my productivity needs is a TikTok black hole. The physical switches on the Nanoleaf Elements lets me quickly flip the lights to whatever I want without that risk.


When I'm feeling even less picky, the whole front of the face is touch sensitive. They can wake up or go to sleep just by tapping them wherever.

Nanoleaf Elements installed by an office desk.
Source: Nanoleaf

Nanoleaf plugs into all of the big home assistants. That includes HomeKit, which can be hard to find among smart lights. This way I barely have to think about the lights when I'm coming in first thing in the morning. I can fold Nanoleaf into my morning Google Assistant routine which turns everything on when I wake up.

The less I have to futz with the lights, the more mental bandwidth I have for the work that matters. With Nanoleaf, I can have stylish decor without it consuming my attention.

They'll Help Keep You Calm On Hectic Days

Things can get hectic at work. Lots of balls in the air, right?

Well, as much as the right lights can help me stay focused, they also soothe me.

Nanoleaf Elements light tiles installed above a desk.
Source: Nanoleaf


The warm whites set to a smooth animation cast against that wood grain? Man, there's not a lot that mellows me out more quickly. If you want to get really zen, you can throw on that music sync and fire up the Peruvian pan flute music on your Sonos speaker. Boom, instant zen, clear mind, ready to jump back into the fray.

A Slick Way to Get Excited About Work

Ugh, what a happy-go-lucky go-getter, right? It's true, though! Nanoleaf makes my office way cooler than it has any right to be. That makes it a space I want to spend time in. That's an important pick-me-up to have on hard days, and icing on the cake on good days.

Home Office Lighting

Nanoleaf Elements beside their box and on a white background.

Nanoleaf Elements

5 / 5

Productive Style

Nanoleaf Elements provide simple, classy lighting with a modern twist. These are the perfect addition to any home office.

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